blogging doomsday survival tips

blogging doomsday survival tips

typewriterTo survive a prolonged power outage, this tk (tech-know) amateur nerd who is overtly concerned with social messaging journaling consulted a real ntk (not-tech-know) senior lady on her secret of survival all these years of living with a mere cell phone with the basic primitive functions of call and message. No internet. no social media communication like whatsapp or facebook or even email. worse, if the battery of her dumbphone runs out, how does she live? here is a list of what she does:
1. her cell phone’s battery lasts a long long time. she switches it off when she is not making a call. she reads her sms once in a while.
2. she reads when there is daylight. she sleeps when it is dark.
3. she writes long hand.
4. she talks with her social cronies face to face.
5. they do not do social messaging.
6. they still have a line phone.
7. sometimes they write real letters to each other and post them.
8. they daily meet at the grocer or dairy or newspaper booth or cafe or park or front yard or back yard of someone etc. places of convenience to chat.
9. they send errand boys or girls if available around to pass a written or verbal message.
10. they meet at church or community meeting places weekly and lady fellowship fortnightly and have pot-luck or direct sales parties monthly etc.
11. they can spell and use correct grammar.
12. on dark rainy days when they cannot read or write they merely cook or sleep or dust the house or sing or recite. Oh yes she does have an old olivetti typewriter which is working perfectly.
urgent actions for this amateur nerd: to seriously source a Corona (Smith-Corona)or Hermes or Olivetti or Olympia or Remington or RoyalUnderwood or Others. Perhaps learn to do a variety of stuff as above mentioned. Last but not least (my former english teacher will be pleased with this resolution), to learn english spelling.

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